
Hey Everyone! Missouri Mike here. Thanks for stopping by for a visit.

I’ve always been an outdoor person. I love camping, hiking, canoeing, and just being outdoors. Whittlin’ a stick was a favorite pastime of mine as a kid. Every boy I knew carried his pocketknife with them proudly. It was a simple and beautiful time to grow up in America.

I started carving and piddling with some sticks in 2019 and was hooked. It was like being a kid all over again. There’s a lot to be said about doing something you truly enjoy. So in early 2020, I decided to start “Missouri Mikes.” I love the creative hands-on process, from start to finish, of making these sticks. As often as I can I’m out hiking in the woods on my Missouri property, collecting unique sticks to turn into something special for outdoor lovers like you.

My finished sticks are made from a wide variety of woods – Oak, Maple, Hickory, Ash, and many more. They each have unique features and looks. I enjoy using old fashioned hand tools – an old draw knife, spokeshave, and whittling knife are favorites. My passion and goal are to recognize the natural beauty of each stick, enhance it, and create something you’ll enjoy and treasure for many years to come.

There’s something very special about being out in nature, walking through the woods on a beautiful day. The world slows down and worries tend to fade away. I believe walking is one of the most relaxing and beneficial activities we can do. Soothing and restoring our emotional needs, as well as our physical well being.

So get outside, walk, and explore. Soak in the wonder and beauty of nature. And enjoy the great outdoors with a “Missouri Mikes” Walking Stick or Cane of course!

Happy Trails!

Mike “Missouri Mike” Schlueter

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