Along the Trail

Along the Trail

Hello and welcome!  “Missouri Mike” here.  It’s springtime here in beautiful Missouri and this is my first post as I launch “Missouri Mikes Walking Sticks & Canes”.  Each day, I’m looking forward to learning and improving my vision and ability to create walking sticks and canes that I’m proud of and worthy of you buying.

I decided to name this blog, “Along the Trail”.  Like most things in life, it will take some unexpected twists and turns, ultimately leading where it’s meant to – much like a meandering trail in the deep woods.  My hope is to keep the content light, informative, and at times, thought-provoking.  Most likely, it will consist of a collection of thoughts, ideas, and discoveries along the trail of life itself.

My entries will probably occur randomly.  Whenever I feel something is worth sharing I’ll do so.  Otherwise, I’ll be carving a stick, hiking in the woods, or just outdoors enjoying the beauty of nature!

I welcome your comments and ideas and wish you the best!

Mike “Missouri Mike” Schlueter

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